
Four Steps to RISE Into The Most Powerful Version of You as a BOSS

I'm Ayla!

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Lets get down to business.

Today I am diving into the four most important steps you need to RISE into the most powerful version of yourself.

But before we dive in, I wanted to let you know about my newest offer called…you guessed it…RISE! This is a 4-week 1:1 Intensive with me! We will dive into each of the steps in today’s episode.

You will get me 1:1 inside your business every single day for the next 30 days – going over everything from your revenue, income, offer suite, content, social, branding, launching and sales strategy, and SO MUCH MORE. Nothing is off the table – and crushing new levels is the goal. So if you’re ready to end this year with a serious bang, send me a DM to chat more or click the link in the show notes to save your spot.

Okay, so let’s dive into the spicy content of today’s episode…because it will be fire, and I am lit up!

If you’re ready to learn how to RISE into the next level of your business, tune into this week’s Next Level Social Podcast episode!

Know Your Number Goals

Let me ask you a simple question. What is your desired revenue goal? What does it look like on a monthly and yearly basis? I do not want you to select the number that feels the safest, I want you to choose the number you think will take you to the next level. This is the actual number you want – it needs to excite, scare, and cause discomfort. 

Write it down

Look at it every day – envision it – think about it. The only way to create the revenue we want in our business is to know what that number is. And having an ideal number in mind is only half the answer. You need to be familiar with your current numbers and develop a healthy relationship with them. For instance, I look at my bank account and PayPal every day. I used to avoid my bank statements – hated to look at my credit card and move money onto it – even when I had it. 

So I changed my mindset. I used to think money meant something, that a number secured my safety and ability to be successful. But when I looked at money as a piece within a larger game, something to help move pieces within my business, it lost its emotional hold on me. I took money’s power away, and in doing so, I gained complete control of its use in my business.

So be aware, even if it’s painfully aware, of what’s coming in and out of your business from a revenue and numbers perspective.

Income + Offer Suite

Once you know your revenue goals, you need to work backwards to achieve them. How? Well, we need offers, products, and services to sell.

My signature process for creating an offer suite is having offers available at three levels: Low, Mid, and High. Tiered offers look different for everyone and every business, but there are commonalities I want to discuss. 

Low ticket offers are scalable, like digital downloads, pdfs, ebooks, short courses, memberships, and physical products. They’re the breakeven introduction offers that get your business started and bring in evergreen bite-sized payments. 

Mid-ticket offers are your bread and butter. They are group offers, workshops, and masterminds in an online space. The difference between a low and mid-ticket offer is the volume of content and personal time invested in each client. For instance, in my mastermind, each member gets a chance to have one-on-one time with me while listening to all the advice I share with others on the call. I also provide weekly training, access to past training, and have guest speakers talk on specific areas the group finds useful. My last speaker reviewed sales automation using Facebook ads, workflows, and bots; it was a game changer! Mid-ticket offers can also be a launching pad to your higher offers – giving a sense of what clients can expect from you, and if wanting more one-on-one can look into higher tiers. 

High ticket offers are the extensive courses and the 1:1 offers. These offers have the highest personal investment and take the most of your time and energy. People wanting more services, packages, and devoted time that would cost more to purchase individually than together look at high ticket offers to satisfy their needs. 

From there, you want to ensure each offer is priced accordingly so you can work backwards to sell your offers to match your desired revenue target. 


This is a big one that I for sure specialize in and love. But to sell your offers organically using social media – you need a content and launch strategy. 

My first step to launching successfully is to develop a warm audience. This means you need to build anticipation so people are already prepared to purchase when you launch. I recommend warming your audience up for at least eight weeks for a big launch. The size of the launch depends on how much revenue you expect it to deliver, so it’s all relative to your current offers and expectations. But the rule of thumb is that the longer you warm your audience (within reason), the more they will be ready to buy on launch day. 

So how do you warm an audience? It’s as easy as sharing information in a regular conversation. People need to know who you are, what you do, and, more importantly, what value and help you provide them with your offer. This is why creating valuable content consistently is huge. Show up with content that is educational, inspirational, relatable, and promotional (pillars of golden content).

To gain insight into how other brands create value, follow accounts that inspire you, and see how you can put your twist on the content. 


It is also essential to be consistent – show up daily – get on your stories – show your face – make content a non-negotiable in your business. I encourage you to work smarter, not harder, by creating a system out of this process – batch film, write and create graphics. 

Building relationships is also integral to launching and creating authority. Get in your Dm’s and comments – start convos – not about sales – about anything – talk about everyday things like, “Do they enjoy thin crust or thick crust pizza? Should I buy long or short drapes?” These convos will help the algorithm AND keep you top of mind when you have something to sell – be a REAL HUMAN BEING and create genuine HUMAN relationships.

Your audience should be primed and warm when you’re ready to start selling and launching. You’ve shown up, created valuable free content, and collected emails from amazing freebies related to your offer. They are now ready and want to buy.

These are all things I will walk you through step by step in my RISE 4 – week intensive. 

Energy + Mindset + Vision

Last but most definitely not least, I want to talk about ENERGY, MINDSET, AND VISION. In the previous week’s podcast/blog, I talk a lot about mindset and vision, so check that episode out, but to RISE into the best version of ourselves as business owners, we need to have our attitude correct. How this looks is your vision needs to be locked down, and you must see and know what you are working towards.

The best way to set your mental intentions is to get it on paper – be precise – and feel it in everything you do. Same with your energy – you need to believe in what it is you’re selling SO freaking much that your audience can feel it ooze through the screen. 

If you don’t believe it, why would they?

Keep The Energy Alive

I also encourage you to keep the energy alive – especially during a launch – when it can feel overwhelming. It can feel like no one will buy, and it’s scary, but you need to KEEP SHOWING UP. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve wanted to give up a couple of days into a launch.

The fact is, people need to see things 13 times before they even pay attention to a sale, let alone decide to buy. With the content bombarding human consciences, people now need to see, hear and marinate on an offer before making a decision. 

So it’s our job to paint the picture – focus on the transformation – describe their pain points and how we can help them.

And keep the mindset on lockdown and believe in yourself. Be confident. Be bold. Make moves. Jump in. It’s scary heading into new levels – it’s scarier not.

Okay, My Loves!

These four steps are KEY to rising to the next level – when you focus on each of these, higher levels are truly possible.

So if you want to lock arms with me over the next 4-weeks and dive even further into each phase, send me a DM on IG or click the link in the show notes to sign up for RISE – my four-week 1:1 intensive, where I will personally make sure you are set up for success to RISE into the boldest year your biz has seen.

I only have two spots left! So run, don’t walk. 

Until next week. Love ya, queen! Xo

If you found this episode valuable, I would love it if you could screenshot it and tag me on social!  It means the world!  xo

Join RISE: Payment Plan and Pay In Full

Content Creator Waitlist: HERE

Connect with Ayla Sorochuk on Instagram and apply for 1:1 coaching HERE

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Hi, I'm Ayla.
Your BFF + New Marketing Coach.

My name is Ayla and I am a social media + marketing expert with a drive & passion coaching brands how to craft unique and uplifting social media content that will enhance their overall brand in order to build relationships with influencers, brands, & customers in their space. 

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How to create a multiple 6 & 7 figure online business through magnetic content & messaging that converts.


The Million Dollar Instagram Story Framework that SELLS.
How to create a Instagram stories that stand out AND sell out. 

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Let's do this, love! I can't wait to help you show up online so you can grow the business of your dreams! xo