
How To Choose A Coach That’s Right For You?

I'm Ayla!

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Recently, I’ve been asked how I found my coach and why I decided to work with her. Choosing a coach is a big decision, so making the right choice can feel stressful. When I invested in my first mentor, I was incredibly anxious, mainly about the financial commitment and ROI. How could I know if THIS COACH could lead me to the higher self I knew I was capable of achieving?

Let me walk you through my process of how I chose my first coach and what I learned and now recommend to anyone entering the coaching space. I hope to give you confidence in choosing your next mentor and elevate anxiety along your journey!

Tune into the Next Level Social Podcast for more advice on Coaching, Creating a Boss Brand, Locking Brand Deals, Creating Content & More!

Word of Mouth

There are thousands of coaches with similar offers, so how can one possibly know which mentor is right for them? I was lucky enough to have a network of friends paying attention to coaches, and when I voiced my interest in hiring a mentor, they had some background information.

I suggest utilizing the experiences of your network to help narrow a coach right for you. Your people already know who you are and what you want out of your business, so gaining from their experience and exposure is a way to fast-track some initial options.

That being said, always trust your gut. A recommendation is a starting point, and it’s up to you to check in with yourself to ensure the coach aligns with your goals. One way to get a better impression of a coach and how they impact your intuition is to get on a call. Nothing speaks louder than a face-to-face interaction to ensure your gut and goals are aligned with a new coach.

Consume Their Content

Similialry, consuming a coach’s content gives you more information about their deliverables. You are searching for a way to elevate your business, and if a coach’s content speaks to that higher level, you can feel confident in their abilities. I like to think of it like, “if they did it, why can’t I?”

The content, freebies, and information they offer should excite you! When you scroll through their Instagram feed, you should want to stop and watch their Reels, read their copy, and take a minute to enjoy their voice. You will be working with a coach on an intimate level, so you want to ensure their communication style and deliverables bring you a sense of confidence and excitement.

A Place You Want Be

Working with someone at a different or higher level than you is obvious, but it has a mindset component. When choosing a coach, we want the guidance of someone at a place in their lives we dream of obtaining – why else would we listen to their advice? If the coach is a master of Social Media and that’s a place we struggle with, then that’s who we should want to mentor us.

But what if we want a coach to carry our business to the next level? The first step is to reflect on your business and acknowledge its current stage and what the next stage could look like. To decide on what coach to engage, we want to work within reasonability, which means knowing exactly what you want and where you are now. Choose a coach that is precisely where you dream of being or even a level beyond – that way, you can feel confident they have at least one road map to reach your aspirations.


I offered free content for over a year when I started my coaching business. I intended to build a warm audience and give a sample of what I could teach and how I’d guide future clients. What I noticed was a pattern.

Clients I am working with today have been following and consuming my content for that entire year. It took them time to feel ready in their lives and businesses before deciding to work with me.

In contrast, I found my coach, and within ten days, she was hired. I learned from both perspectives that timing is everything, it looks different for everyone, and nothing is personal. Everyone is on their journey, and some paths are longer than others. People walk within their businesses at different speeds and lengths and require a coach at different points. Timing is the convergence of financial ability, desire, and mindset to reach for more.

I also understood that nothing is personal. When clients take ten minutes or ten months to decide to work with me, it does not reflect my worth or attractiveness. Choosing a coach is a big commitment, and sometimes people take time to feel ready for that relationship.

There is no right or wrong to knowing when it is your time to hire a coach.

Okay, My Loves!

I hope you gained some insight into choosing your next coach! I only touched on a few of my tips and tricks, so for more information, listen to The Level Social Podcast!

Until next week. Love ya, queen! Xo

If you found this episode valuable, I would love it if you could screenshot it and tag me on social!  It means the world!  xo


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Connect with Ayla Sorochuk on Instagram and apply for 1:1 coaching HERE

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Hi, I'm Ayla.
Your BFF + New Marketing Coach.

My name is Ayla and I am a social media + marketing expert with a drive & passion coaching brands how to craft unique and uplifting social media content that will enhance their overall brand in order to build relationships with influencers, brands, & customers in their space. 

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