
Signs You’re Playing Small In Your Biz

I'm Ayla!

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Lets get down to business.

How do you know when you’re playing small in your business? I did an IG post about this and had a ton of you reach out. And I will say some of you were triggered, while others felt like it was the mirror they needed.

If you’re ready to take your business to the next level and stop playing small, listen to this week’s Next Level Social Podcast episode!

Made For More

There was something inside of me that knew I was made for more. Something that I knew I could make an impact on a much deeper level than a wider one. I finally focused on myself and my business when I embraced that feeling. I haven’t looked back since, and there has been no better decision.

I want to tell you the story of what led me to pull the trigger and go all in on myself and my business.

I played small for a long time – I was scared, didn’t think I was ready and good enough and didn’t want the pressure. It was a lot easier having someone sign my pay cheques week to week. But this only led to massive burnout, depression, and a feeling of dissatisfaction. 

Additionally, sharing my story comes from many convos this week as I’ve been promoting my 5-week 1:1 intensive. So many of you have reached out to me and reminded me so much of me a year ago. 

You want to work with a coach, and you know you need guidance and accountability, but something is holding you back, like:

  • Time
  • Finances
  • Your partners
  • Fear 
  • The unknown
  • The commitment
  • The chance that it doesn’t work, and what would that mean for you

I get it. I’ve been there. But I’m also here to say…you might be playing small…and it’s okay…it can take a minute. 

But if you have something inside you that is longing for more…I’m here to tell you…DO THE DAMN THING.

Signs You’re Playing Small

I want to break this down even further and talk more about some telling signs you might be playing small in your business.

1. You’re not having at least one mini breakdown or panic attack in your week.

Part of me is kidding…and part of me is deadly serious. If you are showing up in your business feeling calm, cool, and at ease all day, every day, you’re not pushing yourself. You’re playing safe. And while, yes, having structure, processes, systems, and delegation is key to running a thriving online business – you should still feel the fire under your ass all the freaking time.

You need to push past your comfort zone.

As such, get uncomfortable – that’s when change happens, and the big moves start to happen.

The second I feel at ease, and calm in my business is the second I need to try something new – aim for a new target, launch a new product, test a new offer, pitch a dream client – you name it, I go for it.

And you should too.

2. You’re not doing anything different.

Similarly, to get different results, make a different income, or onboard someone new to your team – you need to change it up. Throw spaghetti at the wall and see what freaking sticks. If your business feels slow and inconsistent, it’s probably because you’re doing the same thing over and over and over again. 

This will feel boring to you and your audience. SO CHANGE IT: Launch something, partner with someone, do a collaboration reel or product, host a free masterclass, or create a digital product. 

We need to do new and unique things to achieve amazing results and pull some levers.

3. You’re trying to be someone else.

I see this one a lot. And while I also recommend getting inspired by others that are paving the way and are where we want to be, we still need to be ourselves, our way. 

You need to be YOU.

People want to know YOU, like YOU, trust YOU, and buy from YOU – not Cindy joe down the street who’s making the income you desire.

So really show up as yourself and create content and offers that feel like YOU – get creative, have fun, and don’t try to be like your coach or mentor  – we see through it, and it won’t land.

It’s also another form of you playing safe and small – not trusting that you’re good enough as YOU to show up and YOU.

4. You’re holding off investing in high-level mentorship

This one is a biggie and one I know so many of you struggle with. Why? Because it’s scary as hell, that’s why – trust me, I know from experience – the first time I invested in a high-level mentor, I almost peed my pants – my hands were shaking as a paid the USD 25K.

Was this going to work? Is she the real deal? Will I have time to execute it? What if I fail, and no one buys my products? Could this be a scam? What will my husband and family say?

Sound familiar?

But what I will now say after hiring my mentor, investing in masterminds and always having a coach, and now being a multiple 6-figure coach myself who has coached 100s of women this year alone…..the best thing you can ever do for your business is to invest in high-level mentorship from someone who is in the place you want to be. 

Period. Dot.

Mentorship is the ultimate form of scaling- it’s taking your time and collapsing it – nothing is better. And while yes, it’s scary as hell – if there’s something inside of you that is longing for more and you have been watching a coach who is teaching others how to get to where you want to be – DO IT!!

Stop investing in mini-courses and small trainings (unless that’s where you are) – and take your business seriously!

I promise you will never regret it. 

On that note – I have ONE spot left for my 5-week 1:1 intensive! We can start as early as next week – send me a DM to chat more if you’ve been thinking about working together to take your online business to the next level. We tackle everything from branding, social, content, offers, and income, and scaling it all online so you can start to make the impact and income you desire.

5. You’re paying too much attention to vanity metrics

If you are fixated on the number of likes, comments, views, and shares your content is getting, and it’s stopping you from showing up the way you know how – you’re playing small and safe.

This is always a telling sign that you’re not focusing on BIG money-making, game-changing, income-generating tasks in your business. 

This goes the same for spending hours and hours creating content – we are not born and here to be full-time content creators – we are born to be full-time CEOs and bosses.

So make sure you have a system around your content creation, so you’re spending no more than 2-3 hours A WEEK creating content (if this feels impossible, send me a DM as we dive into all of this in my 5-week 1;1 intensive)

Okay, My Loves!

I so hope you found this helpful, and I can’t wait to see you recognizing limiting beliefs and actions keeping you and your business small!

Until next week. Love ya, queen! Xo

If you found this episode valuable, I would love it if you could screenshot it and tag me on social!  It means the world!  xo


Connect with Ayla Sorochuk on Instagram and apply for 1:1 coaching HERE

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Hi, I'm Ayla.
Your BFF + New Marketing Coach.

My name is Ayla and I am a social media + marketing expert with a drive & passion coaching brands how to craft unique and uplifting social media content that will enhance their overall brand in order to build relationships with influencers, brands, & customers in their space. 

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Let's do this, love! I can't wait to help you show up online so you can grow the business of your dreams! xo