
Content For Sales on Social

I'm Ayla!

Love having you on my blog where I share all my best kept tips, tricks, and social media secrets! Not to mention all my favourite personal fashion pieces, recipes and fitness routines!

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Lets get down to business.

I love creating content. Not only do I create content daily, I teach it to my mastermind group, and dive deep into content strategy with my one-on-one clients. And although I lead a very robust process, there are still days and moments when I think, “what the heck do I post today to provide value and bring revenue into my business?”

In today’s episode I will be going over how to create content, stay consistent, and generate leads and sales!

Check out the Next Level Social podcast for my tips and tricks on Creating Content for Sales on Social!

My Process

The first step to creating content is ensuring you follow the three pillars of a successful business.

  1. Ensuring you have a niche and or personal brand
  2. Ensuring you have an ideal client or avatar that you are speaking to with your content
  3. Ensuring you have an offer to sell 

Niche Review

First and foremost, not everyone needs a niche to be successful on social media. Many brands out there don’t necessarily have a pain point they’re solving and are wildly successful in business and life. HOWEVER, when you’re starting, specifically if you’re a service provider, the more we can narrow our business down to a specific pain point we can solve, the easier it is to create content, speak to one person, and sell an offer.

You can identify your niche by creating a transformation sentence that answers the following questions: 

  1. What makes me different?
  2. Who am I helping?
  3. What problem do I solve?
  4. How do I solve that problem?

Your niche becomes material when you can answer these questions in a transformational sentence.

Content pillars

So let’s talk about how to create content to solve our customer’s specific problems!

Content pillars are the different topics your content will cover. Content pillars will lead your audiences expectations and cover elements of growth, engagement, and conversion.

For example, suppose you were a fitness instructor. In that case, some of your content pillars could be workout tutorials, providing healthy recipes, and mindset exercises.

Once you have the 3-5 main topics you want to discuss, you should use them interchangeably within your content JUUUST to give variety (weekly).

Content categories

Content categories are the themes that surround your pillars. The themes you want to focus on no matter what industry or platform you’re in are education, inspiration, relatability, social proof, entertainment, and promotion.

Historically, these are the best themes to use as a business and content creator to make sales. Your job as a Creator is to put your pillars into each category!

Educational content (EC)

Educational content (EC) places you in a position of authority. EC teaches people something, builds credibility, and is the best way to connect with your followers and establish trust. EC is an opportunity to answer frequently asked questions and stay in touch with pain points in your sphere. Examples are how-to tutorials, here’s-why answers, stop-these-mistakes-because…, and this-is-how-to-do [blank].

Inspirational content (IC)

Inspirational content (IC) shows your ideal client what is possible. IC builds trust and loyalty and demonstrates how you (or past clients) went from A to B. For example, “I went from working X hours, having no money, X number of clients, and being burnt out to running a 6-figure business using social media.” That’s my personal why: relating, building trust and showing my audience what is possible. IC can sell your offer because your clients can see the path forward and get inspired to achieve the same results.

Social proof (SP)

Social proof (SP) is anything that shows your product or service does what you say it does. SP includes things like testimonials, reviews, and interviews from previous clients. If you can get an audio recording or video of SP, that’s the best form of consumable content for social media. For example, at the end of my first mastermind, I asked a few girls if they would hop on a video call and answer a few questions about their experience, which I then used as SP for my next offer. If you go to my Instagram, you will see these videos under testimonials!

Promotional Content (PC)

Promotional content (PC) is making fun ways to show what it is you’re selling. Getting caught up in providing free content through education, entertainment, and inspiration is easy, but we must make DIRECT sales! Talking about your offer, showcasing your product, and making sales are so important. Not long ago, someone messaged me wishing I had a one-on-one offer, and the funny thing was I did! I had neglected to promote my one-on-one’s and thought people would magically find their way to my sales page without guidance. I learned a valuable lesson that there is no way people will know what I have to sell unless I talk about it.

Entertainment Content (EnC)

Entertainment content (EnC) can apply to all the categories and provides easily consumable content. If someone finds entertainment in your content, it will likely perform better than if it’s not. Examples could be a dance video or funny voiceover, but it is also not necessary or appropriate for every business.

Content Format


Stories are the most important Instagram feature for sales, and almost all of my leads come from DM’s responding to questions and poles from Stories. They also generate a human side to your business where you can lift the curtain and give people a glimpse into what goes into your offers and how they apply in real life. Make sure to show your face, start conversations, and build relationships. Stories above all else are where I want you to focus every single day.


As of today, August 8th, 2022, Instagram favours video content. Reels are the only way, as of now, to provide video on your content pillars that live on your feed. Reels are king, and finding a way to integrate video with all your content categories is essential for reaching new audiences and keeping up with the algorithm.

Static posts

I still find value in a static post. Inspirational images will never go out of style, and you can focus more on copy with a picture. People will look for more information when not expected to be shown what’s happening in a video, leading to more traffic to your caption. If you have a story or message, a static post is where you can highlight it.


Carousels are best for teachable content. A carousel can lead with a hook and follow up with video tutorials or static images explaining a How-To, This-Is-Why, or Avoid-This. I use them less than I did before because Reels are so prominent, but I still use them to teach and pair them with a juicy call to action!

Going Live

Going live is a great way to educate your audience on a specific topic and establish authority. I like to go live every couple of weeks to have a conversation. You can save Lives to your Reels whether people are there or not. Lives are great for showcasing your product, collaborating with other creators, and educating on a deeper level.

Staying Consistent

The best way to stay consistent with your content is to schedule a single day every week to batch your content. If you’re unfamiliar with batch content, it’s creating multiple forms of content in bulk. There is no better feeling than opening up your account and seeing multiple Reels already made and waiting to post.

To stay consistent, you’ll have to upload your posts to calendars like Later or Plannoly. The more you can create a process or system, the more ease and peace of mind you’ll have, and the faster you can scale! With an organized plan, you can easily pass on the task and focus on growth opportunities.

Batch Content

The best way to batch is to research. Look up content creators in your sphere and anyone else’s content that makes you feel good, and save their highest performing reels. Don’t copy their content; plagiarism is still a no-no, but take inspiration!

Also, always have a backup of your Reels. Upload the batch-created Reels to your drafts with text, and then download them to your Photos. Many times, I’ve returned to my draft box to find my batched content deleted. Always have a backup.

Okay, My Loves!

Okay, my loves! I cannot wait to see you planning content, batching, scheduling, shooting and showing up consistently so you can start to attract your ideal customers and generate sales, impact, and make an income online!

If you found this episode valuable, I would love it if you could screenshot it and tag me on social!  It means the world!  xo

Connect with Ayla Sorochuk on Instagram and apply for 1:1 coaching HERE

Join Now!  My 5-Step Workshop – $12K In 7 Days While on Vacay

How to Generate BIG Results & Sales On Autopilot WITHOUT Having to Create Something New!

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Hi, I'm Ayla.
Your BFF + New Marketing Coach.

My name is Ayla and I am a social media + marketing expert with a drive & passion coaching brands how to craft unique and uplifting social media content that will enhance their overall brand in order to build relationships with influencers, brands, & customers in their space. 

Learn more

How to create a multiple 6 & 7 figure online business through magnetic content & messaging that converts.


The Million Dollar Instagram Story Framework that SELLS.
How to create a Instagram stories that stand out AND sell out. 

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The Million Dollar Instagram Story Framework that SELLS.
How to create a Instagram stories that stand out AND sell out.


© Ayla Inc. 2021. All rights reserved. 


Let's do this, love! I can't wait to help you show up online so you can grow the business of your dreams! xo