
Vanity Metrics Mean Sh*t All

I'm Ayla!

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In today’s episode I want to talk about a topic that comes up for me every single day. Vanity Metrics. Vanity metrics are the likes, comments, subscriptions, and amount of followers you have on social media. 

If you’re ready to learn why vanity metrics don’t define the success of your business, tune into The Next Level Social Podcast!

Imagine Being in a Room With All Your Followers

This episode stems from a bit of a story. I had a client reach out to me feeling scared to launching a new offer we worked hard to put together. Her offer was juicy, but she felt discouraged, thinking she lacked enough followers for a successful launch. And to be honest, her fear left her stagnant, even before she took the first step toward launching.

I believe she has 1500 followers, which is a significant number. I always say, imagine being in a room with your followers, which can be 1500 people or even 100 people. I don’t know about you, but I’d be shaking in my boots.

And then think how amazing that there are 1500 people ready to listen to what you have to say. However, I get it. Creating content, social media, showing up online – it’s a lot. And there is a ton of comparisons with other people’s reels and lives, likes, brand deals, etc. But nothing is impossible, and there is a way through!

I Am a Living Testimonial

When it comes to being online bosses and entrepreneurs using organic social media, email marketing, or even Facebook ads, I am here as proof that the number of followers, likes, comments, and views does not mean anything. It does not mean anything. Vanity metrics do not define the success of your business. Let that sink in.

Vanity metrics do not determine your value and worth and, sure as hell, do not define you.

I am living proof of this. I did my first 20k launch organically, and at that time, I had just under 2000 followers, no ads, and 400 people on my email list. We think we need thousands of people in our community to make the income we desire, but this is not true.

If you’re listening to this episode, vanity metrics is probably something that comes up for you. But bring it to a mindset perspective, to your centre, and know that these are limiting beliefs that society and social media have put on us. I think it comes from big influencer celebrities with millions of followers doing million-dollar launches. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible for all of us within our niches, content, and offers to reach desired sales numbers. Influencer accounts may have paved the way, but it does not define what we can or cannot do in our businesses.

Statistics vs. Reality

I want to talk about statistics vs reality. I’ve been in this industry for a LONG time, and there are typical conversion rates we can follow in the online space. I use and reference statistics as guidance, but I do not let them ever define how I’m going to show up and promote my offers- especially when it comes to online trainings and how many people we need to convert to sales. If you have the right audience and offer, even if you have 100 followers, you’ll still be able to sell. 

For example, I have seen and worked with accounts that have over 100k followers promote a webinar, get a couple of 100 people on, and see zero purchases. 

Why? Because they didn’t have the right audience or message, and their content depicted something utterly different from what they wanted to offer. This is when a disconnect occurs between followers and your message, content, and offer. 

The key is to be so clear about the transformation you’re offering and crystal clear about who it is for.

You need to know who they are and what they need from you. The more specific and clear you can be, the more you can create content and offers that will sell for this person. 

You Don’t Need More Followers to Succeed

Let’s reimagine being in a room with 100 people. Now imagine that room with 100 highly targeted people with a pain point you know how to solve. I guarantee you can create something low-ticket, mid-ticket, or high-ticket, and out of those 100 targeted people, sell to at least 10 of them. That sale could take getting nitty gritty by sending messages, starting conversations, and making a reel, a post, or a story.

If your audience, big or small, is exactly who you want to attract, that is when the money magic happens. If you’re energetically showing up in a way that serves and creates impact, conversion rates mean nothing. They mean Sh*t all. 

I want to be crystal clear: you don’t need more followers to succeed. So many female entrepreneurs in my sphere are stagnant because of the limiting belief of needing more followers. When you put your energy into serving your audience and changing their lives, you can tap into something bigger than yourself, more extensive than your customers, and create something to sell from a place of abundance. The followers you attract from an abundance mindset are the people who will see value in your offers and want to buy, guaranteed.

Starting a New Conversation

I want these vanity metric conversations to end. I want you to show up and serve the people following you and feel grateful to them.

I also want to squash this concept: “My audience only wants free content; they do not want to buy from me.”

This could not be farther from the truth. How on earth can we categorize our entire audience and say not a single one wants to support you with a sale? When we tell ourselves this and think this way, this is how we will show up and create.

When you tell yourself a false narrative, you manifest it into reality. Your belief in yourself, your product, or your service has to be so strong that your audience can feel your energy. People are receptive beings; when you have faith in yourself and your offers, they will embrace your passion through the screen, email, or phone conversation.

Helping Others Will Help You

You need to know that everything you have to offer is also doing good in this world. That will help you. I was having a conversation with one of my private clients. She has a brand that has scaled to a multi-million dollar company but is now shifting to her own personal brand. This shift has led to feelings of resistance because, like me, I hid behind many businesses for 12 years. It was terrifying to offer my first free content, make my first offers online and be vulnerable. 

So I sent her a voice note and said, “I understand, I get it. I was you.”

But when we shift the mindset around this, and instead of showing up as Ayla on social media and thinking people will judge and critic me, I realized I was not actually Ayla. I am sharing things I know will help other entrepreneurs with educational content, tutorials, tips and inspirational quotes. I come from a place that has nothing to do with me and everything to do with my business. I have a brand persona online and use my platforms to do good in the world. I also have a business and bills to pay, so I will pepper in offers in addition to offering free value.

When we take the “us” out of our content and know that we’re helping people, that is when we serve and create impact. And this is what I told my beautiful client, who was nervous about showing up on camera and start talking about things that had nothing to do with her as a person. It has to do with the impact she will be able to create with other entrepreneurs because she has so much wisdom and value to share. So she needs to show up confidently and boldly and know she will make a change. That is when people will start to know, like, trust, and buy. 

Free Content

And with that being said, still, show up with free content. Free content is a great place for your audience to start. Suppose they’re not able to purchase from you at the moment. Whether that’s free content on social media, a podcast, webinar, or master class – whatever it is, pour into your audience consistently.

The more we give in life and business, the more we receive. So love on every person in your community, whether they can buy from you right now or only in a place where they can consume free content. It is not personal. You have no idea what anyone is going through. Perhaps, they genially can’t afford it. But maybe they can buy in the future. Or they could want to see what you’re about and test the waters. Especially in the coaching industry, it takes me a beat to trust a mentor. I want to consume their free content, go on free training, and see if this is a person I want to vibe with. Many clients watched my free training a year ago and are now ready to buy.

Love on Your Audience

Love on your audience; they’re watching and waiting. Appreciate everyone there, nourish them, and spend time engaging and building relationships. Send messages, make comments, and make voice notes. I had a woman reach out to me yesterday via voice note, asking me for some business advice. Usually, in all honesty, I would typically charge, but this is a woman who is consistently in my community, downloaded all my free content, and attended all my free training. I could have easily said, “here’s a link to my offers,” and brushed it off, but instead, I was like, “this person loves on me in the ways that she can.”

So instead, I took ten minutes out of my day and sent her a few voice notes back with some tips and action steps. She messaged me back and wanted to do my program. This doesn’t happen all the time. My point is that when you love your community and generally come from a place of value, connection, and creating impact, the real magic happens, sales become flowy, and abundance manifests into our lives.

“When you love your community and generally come from a place of value, connection, and creating impact, the real magic happens, sales become flowy, and abundance manifests into our lives.”

Get Focused

Instead of focusing on numbers and metrics, focus on relationships, creating value that serves, and offers your audience is asking for and excite you. Tune into yourself and turn up online. That’s when real success happens, my friends. When you can offer value, show your results and focus on what you have rather than what you don’t; watch the universe have your back. When you decide energetically what you want your income to be and work backwards from a place of impact over metrics, that’s when you’ll show up from a place of excitement. Don’t let the numbers, followers, stats, or metrics ever define you or your business.

Okay, My Loves!

Okay, my loves! Just know that vanity metrics have a place in our business, but they do not define who we are and what we offer. When our content and business come from a place of abundance and value we will attract a receptive audience dialled into our offers.

If your audience, big or small, is exactly who you want to attract, that is when the money magic happens. If you’re energetically showing up in a way that serves and creates impact, conversion rates mean nothing. They mean Sh*t all. 

If you found this episode valuable, I would love it if you could screenshot it and tag me on social!  It means the world!  xo

Connect with Ayla Sorochuk on Instagram and apply for 1:1 coaching HERE

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Hi, I'm Ayla.
Your BFF + New Marketing Coach.

My name is Ayla and I am a social media + marketing expert with a drive & passion coaching brands how to craft unique and uplifting social media content that will enhance their overall brand in order to build relationships with influencers, brands, & customers in their space. 

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How to create a multiple 6 & 7 figure online business through magnetic content & messaging that converts.


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Let's do this, love! I can't wait to help you show up online so you can grow the business of your dreams! xo