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Welcome back to The Next Level Social! In today’s episode, we’re diving into the discomfort that comes with rising into a new level and how to navigate through it. When you are rising into a new level – this can feel hella uncomfortable! 

It’s not always rainbows and butterflies and it’s not always as easy as it seems.

I hear this with my clients over and over again – it can sometimes feel like you’re stuck, sales are slow, everyone is saying no, things feel hard and like every turn you take you’re hit with something unexpected or unwanted (a big bill, a friendship ending, upset team/clients/customers, marriage problems, car breaks down ) – this is the universe testing you to see if you’re ready to expand into a new level.

I always use the bow and arrow example – it’s like your pulling, pulling, pulling and it almost feels like the string is going to snap – it almost hurts – and then BOOM just like that it sets off and you’re catapulted into your next level!

Here are the 3 steps I use when I feel like I am pushing up against a boundary and trying to rise to the next level in my personal or professional life.


Here are some of the key takeaways from today’s episode!

Embracing the Discomfort

When you’re on the brink of a breakthrough, it’s natural to feel uncomfortable. It’s a sign that you’re growing, expanding, and stepping outside your comfort zone. Whether it’s trying a new workout, applying for a new job, or launching a business offer, the initial discomfort is where the magic begins. Take time to self-reflect and confront your limiting beliefs and excuses. Are you holding yourself back out of fear of change? Are you avoiding discomfort altogether? It’s crucial to get clear on what’s holding you back to move forward.

Letting Go to Level Up

Moving through discomfort often involves letting go of what’s keeping you comfortable but stagnant. It’s a double-edged sword where you’re uncomfortable with your current level but comfortable with what’s holding you there. To rise, you must bid farewell to certain behaviors, relationships, and identities that no longer serve your growth. Embrace change and step outside your comfort zone. Doing things differently is the key to unlocking new levels of success in both business and life.


Transitioning into your next level requires more than just intention; it demands action and embodiment. It’s not enough to say you’ll do something new; you must live and work within the expanded energy you’ve set for yourself. This means embodying the traits and behaviors of the person you aspire to be, even when it feels uncomfortable. Whether it’s launching a new offer or adopting new habits, consistency is key. Act from the energy of your desired level, and eventually, you’ll become that version of yourself.

As you navigate the discomfort of rising into your next level, remember to lean into the question: “What would she do right now?” Embodying the traits of your future self is the key to unlocking new opportunities and experiences. Embrace the discomfort, let go of what’s holding you back, and take intentional steps toward actualizing your next level. Until next time, keep elevating in both business and life.

Until next week. Love ya, queen! Xo

If you found this episode valuable, I would love it if you could screenshot it and tag me on social!  It means the world!  xo

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Hi, I'm Ayla.
Your BFF + New Marketing Coach.

My name is Ayla and I am a social media + marketing expert with a drive & passion coaching brands how to craft unique and uplifting social media content that will enhance their overall brand in order to build relationships with influencers, brands, & customers in their space. 

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How to create a multiple 6 & 7 figure online business through magnetic content & messaging that converts.


The Million Dollar Instagram Story Framework that SELLS.
How to create a Instagram stories that stand out AND sell out. 

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The Million Dollar Instagram Story Framework that SELLS.
How to create a Instagram stories that stand out AND sell out.


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Let's do this, love! I can't wait to help you show up online so you can grow the business of your dreams! xo