
Finding confidence & creating your highest level of business success

I'm Ayla!

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Confidence Is Built, Not Born—Here’s How to Strengthen Yours

Ladies, let’s be honest—entrepreneurship is a wild ride. From external challenges to the ever-creeping self-doubt, it can feel overwhelming. But here’s the good news: no one is born with unshakable confidence. It’s something you build. In today’s podcast, I’m giving you the tools to create that confidence and break through anything standing in your way.

Confidence Is a Skill, Not a Personality Trait

First thing’s first: confidence isn’t a personality trait—it’s a skill. You don’t need to wait until you reach a certain level of success to feel confident. Confidence comes from taking action, even when you don’t feel ready.

Here’s a truth bomb: confidence comes from competence. The more you take steps—whether launching a new service or negotiating a deal—the better you get. And the better you get, the more confident you feel. So, stop waiting for the confidence to show up. Take imperfect action and let the growth happen!

Reframe Fear as Excitement

Fear is sneaky—it often disguises itself as logic. Thoughts like, “I’m not ready,” or “What if I fail?” are really just excuses. Reframe fear as excitement—the physical sensations are nearly identical. The next time you feel that nervous energy, tell yourself, “I’m excited about this!” Watch how that small shift turns fear into fuel.

Stop Seeking External Validation

We’ve all been guilty of waiting for others to tell us we’re “legit.” But listen, you don’t need external validation to know your worth. You are enough, and your value is not up for debate. Stop asking for approval and start trusting yourself. You have a unique perspective that the world needs—own it.

Success Is Inevitable If You Don’t Quit

This one’s huge: success is inevitable if you refuse to give up. Challenges are part of the journey, but the only way you can fail is by quitting. Once you adopt this mindset, every obstacle becomes a stepping stone, not a reason to stop. Keep showing up, and success will follow.

Surround Yourself With Supportive Women

You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Surround yourself with women who push you to be your best, who hold you accountable, and who remind you of your greatness. If you want to level up, you need to be around people who are playing at the level you aspire to—or higher.

If you’re ready to step into your power and build the confidence that will drive your success, tune into this week’s episode of The Next Level Social Podcast. I go deeper into these tips and share actionable steps to help you break through fear and own your confidence.

Click below to listen now!

Until next week. Love ya, queen! Xo Ayla

For more from Ayla

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Sign up for upcoming masterclass | https://aylasorochuk.com/masterclasses

Take a look at her self study courses | https://aylasorochuk.com/courses

If you found this episode valuable, I would love it if you could screenshot it and tag me on social!  It means the world!  xo

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Join ATTRACTION: The Ultimate Content Creators Course: HERE

Connect with Ayla Sorochuk on Instagram and apply for 1:1 coaching HERE

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Hi, I'm Ayla.
Your BFF + New Marketing Coach.

My name is Ayla and I am a social media + marketing expert with a drive & passion coaching brands how to craft unique and uplifting social media content that will enhance their overall brand in order to build relationships with influencers, brands, & customers in their space. 

Learn more

How to create a multiple 6 & 7 figure online business through magnetic content & messaging that converts.


The Million Dollar Instagram Story Framework that SELLS.
How to create a Instagram stories that stand out AND sell out. 

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Copy to Convert

Learn how to write copy that converts your audience from followers to customers LIVE 11AM MST October 25th


© Ayla Inc. 2021. All rights reserved. 


Let's do this, love! I can't wait to help you show up online so you can grow the business of your dreams! xo